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Learning about Ecological Restoration Projects in Costa Rica
Hillary Arburola Rivera Universidad Nacional de Costa RicaDuring the 2024 Tropical Biology Summer Course, we visited the town of San Vito in Coto Brus, located in the southern part of the province of Puntarenas, Costa Rica. We learned that San Vito is a piece of land that was…
Capstone Projects
Lucia TilsonWashington State UniversityAfter absorbing every bit of information available to us in Kruger National Park for the last 3 months, we OTS students have quite a few more questions than we have answers…
Skukuza and Biodiversity
Kelsey AdamsAdams State UniversityAugust already feels so long ago. For our group here at OTS South Africa, this first half of the program has been filled with getting to know one another, starting shenanigans, panicking about due dates, and marveling at….
Why OTS?
Author: Pablo Muñoz-Cambronero – Education Coordinator for OTS Yes, I know, one chooses OTS because of all the facilities, closeness to the forest, available data, laboratories, research cubicles, accommodations, 60 years of presence in the tropics, and all else. Well, all of this is real. Visit any of our OTS Research Stations and ask the […]
Thank you for believing I can fly
After graduating Occidental College this May, I had the utmost pleasure of spending the summer in South Africa with the Organization for Tropical Studies studying Health and Ecology. I had been looking forward to this abroad program for a long time and it truly was the most rewarding cherry on top of my college experience! [...]